Tuesday, 29 May 2012


Even though piracy is a direct cause of the loss of sales and provides free access to content, it does make such material accessible. This is because not every piece of software or music can be presented; it is more likely that the more popular material, such as an album by Beyonce would dramatically outsell another artist who would be attempting to debut. With piracy, this allows the unknown to be discovered by supplying the audience with a large variety of software and material which would not normally be advertised. This can also apply to films where more popular movies such as The Avengers would get much more attention than foreign productions. However, with more popular content, this would imply that those against piracy would be more likely to be monitoring films and artists who have the potential to gain a large sum of money.

It could also be argued that piracy can provide people with a chance to ‘trial’ a product before considering whether to purchase it. This is because people prefer to understand what they are purchasing before buying it to their dissatisfaction. It allows an album or music to be tested to see whether it is up to standard, or whether computer software is simple enough to understand and accomplishes what the person wants it to accomplish. What it also allows is the revival of content which is no longer available for purchase. Those who have access to older music or films will be able to share it online with those who also wish to own it. Therefore, it is more convenient for people who wish to gain access to content no longer available which makes piracy all the more resourceful

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